Internet Sales

Internet Sales: Arkansas is unique, it post monthly county and city sales per NAICS codes. It allows the researcher/real estate geek (which I profess to be) to have insight into retail sales. For example, now that Amazon is reporting all taxable sales, AMZN had July, 2019 Little Rock sales of $15M (NAICS code “4541-Electronic Shopping & Mail Order Houses”). If Amazon has 49% of the internet sales, you could surmise AMZN had July Little Rock sales of $7.5M (or $40 per resident).

Annualize those monthly numbers and you have annual AMZN Little Rock sales of over $100M. Sales of over $100M is equivalent to an upper tier Walmart Supercenter and two or more Krogers.

I will try to find the July sales in Benton County, yes it is home of Walmart but Benton County is also one of the higher U.S. Counties for median income (Ark’s most “typical” high-growth US suburban county). Does AMZN have higher per capita sales in wealthier localities than lower? July was the first month that AMZN reported all their Arkansas sales. It will be interesting going forward to compare the year over year sales growth of the NAICS categories. If anybody knows of other States that report sales by NAICS category please email me at Comments are appreciated – DE

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